Make sure you exfoliate as much as possible the week before your treatment.
Do not trim your hair, you may trim it too short and make waxing difficult.
Do not to use body lotions before your treatment.
If you are worried about the pain, consider taking an over the counter pain killer.
Be considerate about your personal hygiene before your appointment.
Avoid the sun immediately after waxing.
Avoid saunas, steam rooms and any other heated sources for at least 48 hours.
Avoid heavy exercise for at least 24 hours after waxing.
Do not use exfoliating products (AHAs, scrubs, etc) and loofas for at least 12 hours after waxing as they might further irritate your skin.
Avoid tight clothing near the waxed area. Tight clothing may result in irritation and ingrown hairs.
No hot baths, hot showers or sexual activity for 10 hours after a Brazilian. While your pores are open, they are vulnerable to irritation by the extreme temperatures and infection by bacteria.
Moisturise with a tee tree lotion after every shower, this has a soothing and antibacterial effect. Lycons Ingrown-X-it Spray can be used in conjunction with Tea Tree Soothe for maximum benefits.
Regular exfoliation (2 or 3 times a week) is helpful to remove dead skin so your hairs can get out above the surface of the pores and not become ingrown.